
hand-printed textiles handmade hecho a mano fet a mà estampación textil

We are Inma and Fèlix, we are dau al deu, and this is our little window open to the world where we share, with all those who look at it, a portion of our life.

Fèlix is in charge of the technical part of the project and I am in charge of the creative side.

The origin of dau al deu is the artistic curiosity that has accompanied me since I was a child and that led me to study Fine Arts and dedicate myself to the world of teaching in order to enhance in other people the creative impulse inherent in every human being.

My love for color and artistic composition ended up deriving in love for hand printing on fabric. All the pieces that you can see in this showroom are printed one by one in our small home workshop in Barcelona, without using techniques that lead to serialization. Without a doubt, I would spend my days printing by hand.

Everything has been handmade by me, little by little, from beginning to end, from the bag or case to the label or card. Cotton, organic paper, hemp, linen, water-based inks with low environmental impact, 100% vegan, sustainable, proximity, ethical

Welcome to dau al deu.